

The Zero-Day Exploits In Microsoft Exchange Server - ProxyLogon

Hsinchu, Taiwan – Mar 22, 2021 – According to the investigation report of ESET, the so-called “ProxyLogon” vulnerability of Microsoft Exchange Server is used by several cyber-criminal …

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The Cybersecurity Issues of Work-From-Home

Hsinchu, Taiwan – January 10, 2021 – The coronavirus has been quickly spread out the world. The lockdown measures are implemented for COVID-19, many companies have their employees to work from home.

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Foxconn electronics giant attacked by ransomware DoppelPaymer but Pico-UTM can help

Hsinchu, Taiwan – December 11, 2020 – Many major media reported that Foxconn electronics giant suffered a ransomware attack at a Mexican facility over the Thanksgiving weekend, where attackers stole …

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Lionic successfully launch Pico-UTM 100 on Indiegogo

Hsinchu, Taiwan – November 19, 2020 – Lionic has developed several network security technologies based on deep packet inspection and has licensed to several major network appliances vendors like …

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2020 is a year got botted with the Covid-19 pandemic and DDoS attack!

Hsinchu, Taiwan – October 7, 2020 – According to the H1, 2020 DDOS report released by Link11, Germany, the DDoS attack average in April, May and June is 97% higher than the same period in 2019, and …

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Lionic successfully launch Pico-UTM in Japan through a valued partner, IPDream-Net Joe

Hsinchu, Taiwan – September 29, 2020 – IPDream, the valued partner of Lionic which is one of the leading IT service providers in Japan announced Pico-UTM on Sep 17, 2020 through Japan Security System.

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SafetyDetectives' Interview with Eric Lu - Lionic

This article is published in [SafetyDetectives Blog] (, [Lionic company website] …

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SASE - Secure Access Service Edge

This article is published in both Lionic company website and Linkedin Lionic company page. What is SASE? Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is an emerging cloud-security framework that Gartner …

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Case Study - Taiwan Secom Company

This article is published in both Lionic company website and Linkedin Lionic company page. About Lionic Corporation Lionic Corporation is a worldwide provider of innovative Deep Packet Inspection …

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Lionic can Help the Work-From-Home

This article is published in both Lionic company website and Linkedin Lionic company page. During the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, Taiwan can help! We, Lionic from Taiwan, can also help you on …

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